Justice Not Charity
A New Global Ethic for Canada

While the affluent west's luxurious lifestyle continues to destroy the resources of this planet, 400 million people starve and one half of the world's population exists in poverty. In the midst of it all, says Douglas Roche, Canada, like other western nations, remains content with an outdated system of foreign aid that operates on a basis of charity - doling out leftovers - rather than justice - cutting back so that all will share the necessities of life.

Justice Not Charity is Douglas Roche's hard-hitting, clear-sighted appeal for a new global economic system. Insisting that Canada can lead the way, he outlines concrete, practical, day-to-day measures that individual Canadians can put into effect.

Unsettling, prophetic, and timely, Justice Not Charity challenges Canadians to make drastic changes. Humanity's very survival may well hang in the balance.