04 Jul  "NATO runs on hard power, the UN on soft (Hill Times)"
27 May  "Clark makes passionate plea for a return to 'co-operation across our differences' in politics today (Hill Times)"
15 Apr  "Canada's Salute to Militarism is Sad (Hill Times)"
25 Mar  "Heather McPherson has suddenly become one of the most important MPs in Ottawa (Hill Times)"
29 Jan  "Canada and Oppenheimer race the Doomsday Clock (Hill Times)"

13 Dec  "Remarks at Canadian Club of Edmonton"
20 Nov  "As John F. Kennedy famously said in his inaugural speech, we should never negotiate out of fear, and never fear to negotiate (Hill Times)"
31 Oct  "Riverview Rotary Club Remarks - Reasons for Hope"
31 Jul  "Guterres' new agenda for peace ignored by most big mediae (Hill Times)"
17 Jul  "Guterres has a good pencil, but NATO has a big hammer (Hill Times)"
19 Jun  "At 100 years old, Kissinger pushes back against demonizing China"
03 Jun  "The Hope of a Realist for Peace"
25 May  "The nuclear threat is real (Hill Times)"
24 Apr  "Trudeau is right to resist defence lobby's call for more military spending (Hill Times)"
13 Mar  " Pope Francis focuses his remaining energies on Ukraine battlefield (Hill Times)"
30 Jan  "Canada quiet as Ukraine war inches Doomsday Clock closer to midnight (Hill Times)"
16 Jan  "Feds' purchase of F-35s indicates Canada has given up on peace-building as best route to global security"

15 Dec  "A path to peace in a time of polycrisis (Hill Times)"
31 Oct  "Peace movement in Canada has a new leader, it's Cesar Jaramillo (Hill Times)"
15 Oct  "The world doesn't want another Cuban Missile Crisis (Hill Times)"
22 Sep  "Canada needs to give more support to UN's new Agenda for Peace (Hill Times)"
05 Sep  "The Ugly Truth about Nuclear Disarmament (Hill Times)"
10 Aug  "Influx of women into nuclear disarmament gives us hope, unless they work for a NATO country (Hill Times)"
18 Jul  "World's only surviving multilateral nuclear weapons treaty is on the verge of collapse (Hill Times)"
27 Jun  "Canada's absence at nuclear prohibition treaty meeting a disappointment (Hill Times)"
09 Jun  "The United Nations can help us get through these dark days (Hill Times)"
18 Mar  "War in Ukraine has placed the West at a crossroads: pursue war or peace? (Hill Times)"
07 Mar  "Putin has shown, in a demented andterrifying way, why the possession of nuclear weapons must be outlawed now (Hill Times)"
28 Feb  "Magnitude of Ukraine crisis cannot be overstated, and the international system is marked by chaos (Hill Times)"

25 Dec  "Christmas Message 2021"
22 Nov  "World cooperation is more necessary now than ever before, and Parliament needs to come together"
04 Oct  "Nowhere to Hide: 2021 Peace Studies Lecture, St. Thomas More College (video)"
04 Oct  "Is the political machinery of government killing idealism? (Hill Times)"
16 Jul  "The Elders (Hill Times)"
13 Jul  "Reducing Inequalities Through a Culture of Peace (Green Hope Foundation)"
18 Jun  "NDP MP McPherson out-classes Alberta Conservatives every day in Commons"
31 May  "Canadians Back Nuclear Weapons Ban - Open Letter to the Prime Minister (Hill Times)"
31 May  "Canadians Back Nuclear Weapons Ban - Open Letter to the Prime Minister (CNWC)"
14 May  "How can humanity get back on a track to peaceful and sustainable development? Question looms large as G7 leaders prepare for crucial summit in U.K."
20 Apr  "The Integral Humanism and Global Ethic of Jacques Maritain and Hans Küng (Island Catholic News)"
02 Apr  "Nanos Poll Analysis (Hill Times)"
19 Mar  "Address to Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Annual General Meeting"
18 Jan  "Government clams up on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Treaty which comes into force on Jan. 22"

30 Oct  "In subtle diplomatic move, Canada ceases its opposition to nuclear weapons prohibition treaty"
01 Oct  "Bob Rae has arrived on the scene"
21 Sep  "Canada can't hide behind NATO in refusal to sign treaty on nuclear weapons prohibition"
22 Jun  "It isn't fun losing UN Security Council seat, but there's a lot to be learned from it"
06 Apr  "Warring parties must lay down weapons to fight bigger battle against COVID-19"
19 Feb  "Nuclear disarmament rep's visit a good time to flex Canadian foreign policy muscle"
12 Feb  "Look to the UN to find solace in Trump's wind of madness"

08 Dec  "A Tribute to Linda Duncan, M.P."
10 Oct  "The Recovery of Hope in a Chaotic World"
09 Oct  "Hill Times: Canadian Catholic Bishops Speak Against Nuclear Weapons"
27 Sep  "Churning - Address to CNANW"
26 Sep  "CNWC Award Presentation"
07 July  "Nuclear Disarmament Even More Critical in New Age of Hypersonics"
15 May  "The Joe Clark I Know"
13 May  "Report on the NPT Preparatory Committee (Hill Times)"
01 May  "The Power of Parliamentarians in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons"
25 Apr  "I Demand a World of Peace"
05 Feb  "The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, by Daniel Ellsberg (Book Review)"
04 Feb  "Canadian Church Leaders in Political Mode"
22 Jan  "The Right to Peace: a political approach"
10 Jan  "Canada must be clear-eyed about nuclear disarmament"

04 Dec  "There's still good reason to celebrate Christmas"
26 Nov  "From the love of power to the power of love"
11 Oct  "Roche presents reasons to hope for peace in the world: Herr Lectures"
10 Oct  "Trudeau Liberals ditch their party's moral high ground on nuclear disarmament"
02 Oct  "Gandhi and the Right to Peace"
24 Apr  "My Love Affair with the Library of Parliament"
19 Apr  "The Vision of a Nuclear Weapons-Free World: Five Starting Points"
14 Feb  "It's Canada's time to lead in a world threatened by nuclear destruction"
23 Jan  "Douglas Roche on the Church and Nuclear Disarmament" (video)

15 Nov  "Witness to history: Popes rejection of nukes a milestone"
23 Sep  "The Prohibition Treaty: A New Political Moment"
07 Aug  "Roche Calls on Canada to Sign Prohibition Treaty; Seeks Silent Vigil"
29 Jul  "Why Canada should sign the treaty banning nuclear arms"
31 May  "Canada on the wrong side of anti-nuke movement"

22 Dec  "What the UNs next secretary general must do to succeed, and how Canada can help"
14 Dec  "2016 has been terrible, but there is hope for more peaceful future"
24 Aug  "Canada tuns back on UN plan to ban nuclear arms"
04 Jun  "Defence Policy Review"
18 May  "Obama in Hiroshima"
14 Feb  "Dinner with P.M. Trudeau and U.N. Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon"
01 Jan  "Nuclear Abolition: The Moral Case"

07 Dec  "Old culture of war is being replaced"
30 Nov  "Political and Legal Steps: New Initiatives for Canada"
09 Nov  "Dialogue: a route to human reconciliation"
28 Oct  "The Peacemakers"
24 Oct  "Three Steps for the United Nations To Build Peace in the 21st Century" (United Nations Association, Calgary)
23 Oct  "Three Steps for the United Nations To Build Peace in the 21st Century" (MacEwan University)
07 Oct  "Action Steps for Common Security"
26 Sep  "Strengthening UN's Role in Conflict Prevention and Resolution: Canadian Responsibility"
18 Sep  "The Humanitarian Movement to End Nuclear Weapons"
10 Jul  "Pugwash and Nuclear Disarmament: A Call to Humanity"
24 Jun  "Rotary and the United Nations"
19 Jun  "Peace Magazine"
12 May  "Disarmament Times Article"
21 Apr  "Nuclear Weapons: The Ultimate Evil (Global Security Institute Panel)"
13 Apr  "Driving Fear From Public Life (Rotary Club)"
07 Apr  "On Iran (Edmonton Journal)"
21 Mar  "Address to: Rich Man, Poor Man Dinner"

12 Nov  "Building Political Consensus for the 'Right to Peace'"
06 Oct  "Nuclear weapons Policy Incoherent" (Edmonton Journal)
20 Sep  "The Major Powers Must Unite Behind the UN" (Embassy Magazine)
09 Sep  "Action Steps for The Culture of Peace"
15 Aug  "Canada and the Humanitarian Movement to Abolish Nuclear Weapons"
06 Aug  "Finding Peace After the Violent Summer of 2014"
06 Aug  "No More Nuclear Weapons!" (Hiroshima Day Rally)
14 Jun  "Embassy Magazine 10th Anniversary Issue"
09 May  "Uniting Civil Society on a Global Law Against Nuclear Weapons"
07 May  "NATO and Nuclear Weapons"
26 Feb  "The Power of Parliamentarians in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons "
17 Feb  "Report on Nayrit Conference for Embassy Magazine "

11 Dec  "Human Rights: Pathway to Peace "
24 Sep  "Nuclear Standoff Lessons from Syria Crisis"
06 Sep  "High-level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament" (EmbassyNews.ca)
22 Apr  "Building the Framework for The Right to Peace "

24 Oct  "Nuclear Standoff Lessons from the Past" (EmbassyNews.ca)
28 Sep  "St. Stephen's College Speech"
29 Aug  "The Power of Parliamentarians in Nuclear Disarmament"
17 Aug  "Reasons Why Nuclear Disarmament Has Not Been Achieved" (Pugwash Conference)
14 June  "Peace: The Challenge to Religions"
01 May  "Opening Comments Vienna Roundtable"
06 Apr  "Speaking Up for Social Justice"
26 Mar  "Starting Work on a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons" (Address to CNANW Round Table on a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons)
01 Mar  "Address to Oireachtas Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs & Trade"
01 Mar  "Roche Addresses Irish Foreign Affairs Committee; Meets With President Higgins"

13 Dec  "Peace in our time? Only if we change the way we think" (Edmonton Journal)
12 Dec  "Christmas, Peace and Hope" (Address to Rotary Club of Edmonton)
19 Nov  "'Persistent, Aggressive, Demanding': Building a Global Law to Ban Nuclear Weapons" (Address to Canadian Pugwash Annual Dinner Meeting)
21 Oct  "India and Pakistan: A Way to Peace" (Address to Society to Defy Enmity Encourage Peace)
11 Oct  "A Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons: Time for Action " (Address to Abolition 2000 New York Metro Meeting)
22 Jun  "The Anti-Nuclear Mountain is Being Scaled" (Embassy Magazine)
27 May  "A Future Without Nuclear Weapons" (The Singhmar Family Foundation Lectures)
20 Apr  "Toward a Legal Ban on All Nuclear Weapons" (Address to UN Book Launch, New York)
19 Apr  "On behalf of 505 members of the Order of Canada" (Video)
12 Apr  "I Refuse to Wait: The Role of Canada in Banning Nuclear Weapons" (Address to Ottawa Conference)
11 Apr  "Recommendations of the Sponsoring Groups" (A Role for Canada Expert Seminar, Ottawa)
09 Mar  "A Major Worldwide Canadian Diplomatic Initiative" (Embassy Magazine)
05 Mar  "Global Peace and Nuclear Disarmament" (16th Annual Model United Nations Assembly, Grant MacEwan University)
07 Feb  "From Harmony to Peace" (Edmonton City Hall)

22 Dec  "Lessons from Ground Zero" (Edmonton Journal)
14 Sep  "A Nuclear Weapons Convention: The Time Is Now" (MPI Conference)
28 Jul  "A Nuclear Weapons Convention: The Time Is Now" (Hiroshima)
28 Jul  "Remarks at Hiroshima Honorary Citizen Ceremony"
01 Jun  "Two Ways of Looking at the Outcome of NPT Review Conference" (Embassy Magazine)
14 Apr  "Will Canada go the non-proliferation distance? " (Embassy Magazine)
24 Mar  "Stand up and speak out for what's right" (Edmonton Journal)
10 Mar  "Why Nuclear Disarmament Is Imperative" (Seoul National University)

23 Dec  "Building bridges to a better future" (Edmonton Journal)
5 Dec  "Sleepwalking towards disaster" (Halifax Media Coop)
20 Nov  "God and the Culture of Peace: A Theology of the Street" (Regis College Chancellors Lecture)
25 Sep  Healing the Planet: "Zero Nuclear Weapons" (VIDEO)
19 Aug  "Obama Needs Friends on Nuclear Weapons" (Embassy Magazine)
01 Jun  "Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians: Distinguished Service Award acceptance speech" (press release)
06 May  "Prophet Obama's Fight for Peace" (Embassy Magazine)
06 May  "An open, honest nuclear debate" (Edmonton Journal)
31 Mar  "The Children of Adam: Obama, Canada and Peace"

13 Nov  Peace Education in Canada: "Global Conscience" (VIDEO)
16 Oct  "It's the Future, Stupid!"
10 Oct  "October 10 MPI Dinner Speech"
7 Oct  "October 7 United Nations Book Launch"
19 Sep  Yale Conference: "Are We Safe Yet? Vulnerability and Security in an Anxious Age" (VIDEO)
09 Jun  "CSIS Nuclear Disarmament Conference Speech" (VIDEO)
09 Mar  "The 21st Century Challenge: Ending Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change"

13 Nov  "The 50th Anniversary of Vatican II: Address to Newman Theological College Luncheon "
26 Sep  "Courage, Conscience and Law: Address to St. Thomas More Lawyers' Guild"
8 Sep  "Beyond Hiroshima: A World Free of Nuclear Weapons"
31 May  "A Leadership Role for Canada"
19 Apr  "Lessons from William Wilberforce: Priorities for Nuclear Weapons Abolition"
29 Mar  "Forging a New Consensus for the NPT: Establishing a Like-Minded Agenda "
27 Mar  "Seizing New Possibilities for Nuclear Disarmament "
13 Mar  "Disarmament Times: A New Cycle Starts"
04 Mar  "Turning Pessimism into Optimism: A Growing Consensus on Nuclear Disarmament"
17 Feb  "The Environment and Nuclear Weapons: The Green Party on the Cutting Edge of History"

08 Nov  "How Canada Votes at the UN: Tallying up the Harper, Martin, Chretien and Bush votes on disarmament at the United Nations"
20 Oct  "Healing a Suffering Humanity " (John Humphery Centre conference)
04 Oct  "The Holy See, Trident and O'Brien"
28 Jun  "Civil Society: A Central Role"
25 Jun  "Waking up the Public and Pushing Governments "
24 Jun  "Religion and Secular Culture: A Common Drive to Abolish Nuclear Weapons"
01 May  "Getting the Truth Out: The Group of 78 and Nuclear Weapons "
31 Mar  "The Law and Nuclear Weapons: MPI's Track II Diplomacy"
24 Feb  "Illegal In Any Circumstances Whatsoever "

19 Dec  "Nuclear Age Peace Foundation: 22nd Annual Evening for Peace" (VIDEO)
10 Dec  "The Rotblat Legacy: Interlocking Strategies for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World"
14 Nov  "New Canadian Action in the Second Nuclear Age"
03 Oct  "Middle Powers Initiative Article VI Forum"
30 Sep  "The September Song: An Address to Canadian Pugwash Group in Honour of Douglas Roche"
27 Sep  "A Dream For Many Decades: Report on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty"
26 Sep  "Quality of Life Commission Meeting"
21 Sep  "Overcoming Obstacles to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World: Address to Mayors for Peace Declaration Event" "
10 Jun  "The Silent Tsunami"
04 Jun  "People and Parliaments: Towards a Human Security Agenda"
02 Jun  "Deadly Deadlock: A Political Analysis of the Seventh Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty"
31 May  "Disarmament Times"
07 May  "Reflections on Human Unity: Address to Focolare Movement On Receiving Luminosa Award 2005"
21 Mar  "Looking Outward: The Wellspring of Hope"
12 Mar  "Reconciliation: A Dialogue for Modern Life"
11 Mar  "Our Greatest Threat: The Coming Nuclear Crisis"
28 Feb  "A Nuclear Weapons Free Future: A New Basis of Hope"
15 Jan  "Dominican nun does heavy time for non-violent action at a 'kairos moment in history.'"
15 Jan  "The Tsunami, God and a Nuclear Catastrophe"

24 Nov  "Testimony by Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C." (Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade)
01 Nov  "A New Bridge to Nuclear Disarmament"
19 Oct  "Saving the Non-Proliferation Treaty: The Role of Parliamentarians"
30 Sep  "Expanding the Human Rights Agenda: The Human Right to Peace" (Address to John Humphrey Centre Dinner)
26 Sep  "Reconciliation and Hope A Religious Dialogue for Peace" (Address to Edmonton Inter-Faith Centre, Centennial Celebration)
12 July  "The Politics of Hope: Address to Dinner given by Lieutenant-Governor Lois Hole in honour of Senator Roche"
13 May  "The Role of the United States in Nuclear Disarmament"
01 May  "Re-nuclearization or Disarmament: A Fateful Choice for Humanity"
01 April  "Senator Douglas Roche Final Speech in Senate"
15 Apr  "The Evolution of a Culture of Peace"
30 Mar  "Historical Role of Women in the Senate and Challenges Facing Women Legislators to Advance Peace and Human Security"
14 Mar  "Hill Times Editorial: What will Canada do about the continued threat posed by 34,145 nuclear weapons in the world"
09 Mar  "United States Missile Defence System: Motion Recommending Non-Participation"
01 Mar  "Building Bridges: The Non-Proliferation Treaty and Canada's Nuclear Weapons Policies"

17 Dec  "Open Letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin re: Ballistic Missile Defence"
28 Nov  "The Human Right to Peace: Ethics and Policy"
22 Nov  "No More Nagasakis! No More Hiroshimas!: Keynote Address to2 nd Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons"
31 Oct  "An Address to Koerner Lecture Series: The Human Right to Peace"
20 Oct  "Dialogue and Reconciliation: The Religious Step to Peace"
06 Oct  "Building a New Disarmament Age: An Address to the MPI Forum"
24 Sep  "Motion re: United States Ballistic Missile Defence"
12 Jul  "Jostling for top UN lifestyle spot concerns only rich countries"
29 May  "Canada and the United Nations"
08 May  "Missile Defence: Open Letter to Prime Minister"
28 Apr  "Ritualistic Facade: Report and Assessment of the NPT Preparatory Committee Meeting"
02 Apr  "The Human Right to Peace: Address to Liu Institute for Global Issues"
01 Apr  "The Only Absolute Guarantee: A Brief on Canada's Nuclear Weapons Policies"
01 Apr  "The Case for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly"
01 Apr  "Responding to the Nuclear Disarmament Crisis"
24 Mar  "Rebuilding UN during Iraq War"
13 Mar  "Canada gives U.S. a chance to win war without firing a shot"
05 Mar  "Statement on Iraq War"
10 Feb  "Canada should say no to war with Iraq"
06 Feb  "Statement re: War on Iraq"

22 Nov  "Demanding Government Action for the Homeless"
09 Nov  "Peace, Humanity, Equality: The Challenge for Peace Education"
06 Nov  "Canada's Role in the World" (Speech from the Throne)
01 Nov  "A New Bridging Role for Canada"
23 Oct  "Senate Statement on World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates"
19 Oct  "Waking Up Politicians: War, Nuclear Weapons, and a Culture of Peace"
19 Oct  "Battle for the Planet: Report of World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates"
03 Sep  "Media Advisory re: Iraq"
10 Aug  "Sleight-of-Hand Nuclear Disarmament: How Pugwash Should Respond"
13 Jun  "Press Release re: Weaponization of Space"
12 Jun  "Motion to Lead Efforts to Ban Space Weapons"
06 Jun  "Health Care: A Right, not a Commodity"
24 May  "Royal Roads University Convocation Address: The Right to Peace"
08 May  "The G8 Masters of War"
08 May  "Getting the Word Out in Perilous Times"
04 May  "Ending Terrorism: What Can G8 Countries Do"
23 Apr  "Senate Speech on Military Preparedness Study"
13 Apr  "The Moral Imperative of the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons"
08 Apr  "Nuclear Weapons and Human Security"
08 Apr  "The NPT: Crisis and Challenge"
14 Mar  "Status of the Implementation of the NPT 13 Steps and Nuclear Disarmament"
12 Mar  "Rethink the Unthinkable" (Globe and Mail)
05 Feb  "Lessons from September 11"

13 Dec  "Anti-Terrorism Bill"
01 Dec  "Cooperation not Weaponization"
13 Nov  "Precious But Fleeting: 2001 CTBT Conference Report"
30 Oct  "Immigration and Refugee Protection Bill"
26 Oct  "Social Justice in a Fractured World"
25 Oct  "Condemnation of Terrorism"
16 Oct  "Missile Defence System and Need For International Security"
11 Oct  "Is The Bombing Justified?"
18 Sep  "The Terrorist Attacks of September 11"
04 May  "India, Canada, and the Bomb: Honesty and Courage in Advancing Nuclear Disarmament"
24 Apr  "Foreign Affairs Report Entitled "The New NATO and the Evolution of Peacekeeping: Implications for Canada"
31 Mar  "Global Priorities for Peace and Justice"
28 Mar    "The Right to Peace and the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons"
17 Mar  "Canada, NATO, and Nuclear Weapons"
01 Mar  "Motion for Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne"
21 Feb  "Globalization and the End of Nuclear Weapons"
08 Feb  "Motion Recommending that the Government Not Support Development of a United States National Missile Defence System"
13 Jan  "Global Education for a Culture of Peace"

13 Dec  "Setting the Agenda for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons"
13 Dec  "Canadian Voting Record at the UN"
13 Nov  "In Search of a Just and Equal Canada"
12 Oct  "Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: Vision, Courage, Strength, Perseverance"
05 Sep  "Globalization and the End of Nuclear Weapons"
27 Jun  "Bill to Give Effect to the Requirement for Clarity as Set Out in the Opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Succession Reference"
22 Jun  "Building a Common Global Ethic"
09 Jun  "The Right to Life and the Culture of Peace"
07 Jun  "Catholic Health Association of Canada Statement on Social Affairs, Science and Technology Report "Quality End-of-Life Care: The Right of Every Canadian""
27 May  "An Unequivocal Landmark: The 2000 Review of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty"
18 May  "An Address to the Annual Meeting of the NGO Committee on Disarmament"
09 May  "The Negative Consequences of Ballistic Missile Defence: Why Canada Must Say No to BMD"
13 May  "The International Dimension of Disarmament"
11 Apr  "Forum on Society and the Economy"
06 Apr  "Bill to Give Effect to the Requirement for Clarity as Set Out in the Opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference"
04 Apr  "Recognizing Moral Bankruptcy"
03 Apr  "Say no to ballistic missile defence" (Globe and Mail article)
28 Mar  "Motion to Urge Nuclear Weapon States to Reaffirm Commitment Adopted" (includes News Release)
21 Mar  "Pugwash Letter re: Missile Defence"
21 Mar  "Senate Speech: "Economic Development Edmonton""
19 Mar  "The Refugee Crisis: From Shock to Hope"
18 Mar  "The NPT, NATO and Canada: The Future of Nuclear Weapons"
18 Mar  "Joint Seminar on "The NPT, NATO and Canada: The Future of Nuclear Weapons""
12 Mar  "30 Years later, has treaty bombed?"
10 Mar  "Building for a Culture of Peace"
06 Mar  "Senator struggles with the dilemma of being both fair and just"
13 Feb  "A Distant Environmental Warning: Lesson learned from Canada's clean-up of the Distant Early Warning Line in the North"
03 Feb  "Canada's Role at the 2000 NPT Review"
08 Feb  "Senate Speech: Request for Programs to Eliminate Conditions"
01 Feb  "Canada and a Culture of Peace"
13 Feb  "Canada and the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review"
27 Jan  "The Role of the U.S. in Nuclear Disarmament"
02 Dec  "International Treaty to Ban Land Mines - Second Anniversary"
13 Dec  "UN Voting Record on Nuclear Disarmament"
30 Nov  "Canada and a Culture of Peace"
18 Nov  "Medical Decisions Facilitation Bill"
10 Nov  "Statement on NAC Vote at U.N."
02 Nov  "Senator's Statements: Recognition of Peacekeeping Efforts Abroad"
23 Oct  "Canada Pugwash Statement"
19 Oct  "The Political Process: Corruption of Values vs. Social Justice"
14 Sep  Motion to Urge Nuclear Weapons States to Take Weapons Off Alert Status-Debate Adjourned
13 Sep  "The Senate: In the Long-Term Interests of Canadians" (includes summary of Senator Roche's 1st year in the Senate)
11 Aug  "Waging Peace "
05 Aug  "A Bridge to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World "
16 Jul  "Submission to the Liberal Caucus Western Task Force"
13 Jun  "Move to Review NATO Nuclear Stance Offers New Disarmament Opportunities"
15 Jun  "NATO Involvement in Yugoslavia- Relationship to International Law"
03 Jun  "Report/Analysis of NPT PrepComm III"
31 May  "Senate Statement re: Meetings on World Peace "
13 Apr  "Canada's Policies on Nuclear Weapons"
28 Apr  "Analysis of NATO Action on Nuclear Weapons"
15 Apr  "Air Strikes by NATO Forces in Former Yugoslavia" (from Senate Debates)
13 Apr  "Press Release re: Motion No. 128 "
23 Mar  "Review of Nuclear Weapons Policy" (from Senate Debates)
18 Feb  "Just Say 'No' to Missile Defense"
02 Feb  "Growth of Population and Economy-Protection of Quality of Life"
13 Feb  "Third World Debt Relief: A Call to Action"
20 Jan  "An Answer to the American Ambassador"
14 Jan  "Great Alberta Senators of the Past"
16 Dec  "U.S. Bombing of Iraq"
10 Dec  "Statement: Parliamentary Committee Report"
26 Nov  "Nuclear Weapons and the Right to Peace"
14 Oct  "Letter to the Prime Minister re: Senate Reform"
26 Jun  "The Abolition of Nuclear Weapons is a Development Issue"
27 Apr  "An Analysis of the Second Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 2000 Review of the Non- Proliferation Treaty"
The Analysis of the First PrepComm (1997) is also attached.
05 Feb  "Testimony To the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Parliament of Canada. Review of Canada's Policies on Nuclear Weapons"
03 Feb  "Provocation, Not Leadership: NATO's Expansion Undermines the Struggle for Peace"
02 Oct  "Safe Passage Into the 21st Century"
18 Mar  "Statement to Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade"