Abolition 2000
Abolition 2000 is a network of more than 2,000 organizations committed to working for a nuclear weapons-free world. The network has launched its own campaign called Abolition Now! to build the political will necessary for national governments to come together to negotiate the dismantling of all nuclear weapons. Its secretariat is located at the Polaris Institute, Ottawa. The Abolition Now! website is an excellent place to start for those wanting to familiarize themselves with the global push for nuclear disarmament.

Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy
Since 1997, the Institute has published Disarmament Diplomacy, a journal covering topics such as disarmament negotiations, multilateral arms control and international security. The journal is available free online. In addition, the Institute also features a list of known WMD possessors.

Arms Control Association
The ACA is a U.S. non-partisan membership organization dedicated to furthering a better understanding of arms control policies. Its flagship publication is Arms Control Today, which is aimed at policy-makers, media and laypersons and features analyses of topics such as arms control, negotiations and agreements. The publication is available online free of charge.

BASIC (British American Information Council)
BASIC is a progressive, independent advocacy and analysis organization focusing on armament and disarmament, global security as well as nuclear policy formation. The Council provides occasional papers on international security policy in addition to nuclear, WMD and other weapons trading.

Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (CNANW)
CNANW was established in 1996 by representatives of national organizations which believe that nuclear weapons are immoral and should be abolished. The network provides educational resources, such as videos, power point presentations, handouts and posters.

Canadian Pugwash Group
The Canadian arm of Pugwash International issues periodical updates on nuclear disarmament issues in the form of statements, policy papers, interviews and articles. The group is comprised of Canadian experts on nuclear disarmament, conflict resolution, global security as well as environmental, social and health issues.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace gathers together leading experts on international affairs, many of whom publish in the foundation's Foreign Policy magazine of politics and economics. It provides publications, op-eds, policy papers and books related to its mandate of promoting active international engagement of the U.S. They also provide resources specifically aimed at journalists, policymakers, students and professors.

Center for Defense Information
The Washington, D.C.-based CDI prides itself as an independent source of defence-related discussion. The Center is not affiliated with nor does it take donations from military contractors. The Center examines nuclear issues within the context of related concerns such as the small arms trade, space security and children in armed conflict.

Center for Non-Proliferation Studies
Operating in Monterey, California, the Center has educational content focusing on students and instructors from high school and onwards. The website features online tutorials for use by schools, instructors and institutions. In addition, it has an online database on weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, nuclear trafficking and country profiles.

Fellowship of Reconciliation
Fellowship of Reconciliation is an inter-faith initiative to unite the progressive religious communities of Islamic, Jewish, Christian and Buddhist faiths. FOR provides perspectives on peace and disarmament issues from these principal religions and publishes its bi-monthly publication, Fellowship, as a free on-line magazine. The primary philosophy of the Fellowship is that of achieving radical change through non-violent measures, such as education, compassionate action and coalition building.

Global Security Institute
The Global Security Institute brings together former heads of state, diplomats, politicians, Nobel laureates, religious leaders and other experts in search of cooperation and security based on the rule of law. The Institute is a co-sponsor of the Middle Powers Initiative and also sponsors the Bipartisan Security Group, which consists of Republican and Democratic nuclear disarmament experts with backgrounds in law, intelligence and military affairs.

International Peace Bureau
The IPB describes itself as the "world's oldest and most comprehensive international peace federation" and covers important issues, such as human rights and conflict, disarmament, security, peace education, youth and women. The organization was founded in 1892 and in 1910 it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. A substantial amount of content is devoted to youth and women peacemakers and their accomplishments around the world.

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Winner of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, IPPNWI has in the past published Abolition 2000: Handbook for a World Without Nuclear Weapons, a handbook for physician activists offering practical suggestions for taking concrete actions. The group also has hypothetical scenarios concerning the health impacts of nuclear explosions in populous areas.

Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
The Lawyers Committee for Nuclear Policy is a national non-profit organization promoting peace and disarmament through national and international frameworks. It provides legal, policy and advice and analysis to activists, policy makers, individuals, organizations and media concerning disarmament and international law.

Los Alamos Study Group
The group has focused on issues in New Mexico near the Los Alamos nuclear waste dump. Its banner issues include nuclear disarmament, social justice, environmental protection and economic sustainability. It has undertaken various forms of media campaigns involving television, print and radio broadcast advertisements and also offers bumper stickers and yard signs.

Middle Powers Initiative
The Middle Powers Initiative, sponsored by eight non-governmental bodies, works with "middle power" nations to encourage them to use their access to the nuclear weapons states to press them to disarmament obligations. MPI sponsors the Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament. MPI's website provides a list of experts on nuclear policy issues as well as links to important documents, reports and publications.

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
The Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization seeking the ultimate abolition of nuclear weapons through advocacy, international law and institutions. It organizes annual conferences, campaigns and peace poetry contests aimed at a younger audience.

Natural Resources Defense Council
The NRDC gathers information for researchers interested in clean air, oceans and cities as well as the impact of chemicals and nuclear energy on these areas. The NRDC issues annual reports as well as periodical analyses and notices for action on these problems.

NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security
The Non-governmental Organization (NGO) Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security provides services and facilities to citizen groups concerned with disarmament issues. The organization acts as a liaison between NGOs and the United Nations Secretariat and coordinates the participation of NGOs in formal disarmament meetings at the UN. Also, the NGO Committee acts as a clearing house of U.N. disarmament news in its publication, Disarmament Times, which provides information useful to NGOs, researchers, lobbyists and legislators.

Nuclear Threat Initiative
The mission of the Nuclear Threat Initiative is to mitigate the effects of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons around the world and is co-chaired by Ted Turner and Senator Sam Nunn. It provides annual reports and fact sheets on these three main categories of weapons to give the public access to knowledge about these threats and foster debate beyond the usually rather small circle of experts.

The Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament (PNND)
The PNND provides a list of worldwide parliamentary bodies and the resolutions, debates, acts and bills they develop pertaining to nuclear disarmament. This information is disseminated through a searchable database and is proving invaluable to researchers seeking primary source materials.

Project Ploughshares Canada
Canada's Ecumenical Peace Coalition has operated under the auspices of the Canadian Council of Churches since 1977 to work towards the control, reduction and eventual abolition of nuclear arms. The Project issues its quarterly publication, Ploughshares Monitor, which contains information on Canadian peace and security matters, nuclear disarmament and alternative security policies. Another publication, Armed Conflicts Report, examines the state of war from a more global perspective and seeks to go beyond the coverage offered by mainstream media sources.

Reaching Critical Will
The meaning behind the name of Reaching Critical Will derives from the organization's goal of reaching a critical mass of political will for nuclear disarmament. The organization provides fact sheets, publications and a list of governmental contacts for those willing to work towards nuclear abolition.

Stimson Organization
The Stimson Organization is a "nonprofit, nonpartisan institution devoted to enhancing international peace and security" by advocating instruments of peace, security and cooperation as alternatives to instruments of war. Information is disseminated through periodical policy papers, books and special events.

Union of Concerned Scientists
The Union is comprised of scientists seeking environmentally-friendly solutions to issues such as food, automobiles, the environment, energy and security. Specific attention is paid to nuclear "bunker buster" bombs and the dangers they pose to human health when and if they are used in combat. This is done specifically through the use of an animated simulation based on a Pentagon model of nuclear fallout.

United Nations Disarmament Website
The UN's disarmament website provides information on weapons of mass destruction, landmines, terrorism and conventional arms.

United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
UNDIR is an inter-governmental organization within the United Nations that researches disarmament and security issues with the purpose of aiding nations in how they think about and develop policies. The Institute publishes its quarterly document, Disarmament Forum, a bilingual (English and French) journal, which offers analysis aimed at experts and laypersons with an interest in international security.

Western States Legal Foundation
Founded in 1982, the WSLF monitors and analyzes U.S. nuclear weapons programs and policies as well as related high technology energy and weapons programs. Its focus is on U.S. national nuclear weapons laboratories. The website features new document finds which have not been publicized by their originating agencies and governmental bodies. This feature will prove useful for whistleblowers and watchdogs of nuclear energy, weapons programs as well as overall military activity.

Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control
The WPNAC carries out research and education designed to assist in stopping the spread of nuclear arms, such as its Risk Report software, which compiles unclassified information on companies suspected of constructing weapons of mass destruction. The project has also compiled missile profiles of select nations in addition to periodical updates on Iraq and Iran's WMD capabilities.